mattygroves avatar


Can’t you stay away? I'm running out of pieces. I saw you walking down the street. I nearly tripped over my finger. I only have three left.

“Angela,” I hear. My left hand falls off at the wrist. No! Don’t say hi – too late. I kept my balance – tricky without a right foot. The phone rings…I knew it was you when my nose dropped into my sandwich. I've lost my appetite along with my appendages.

Songs don't lie. I fall to pieces, each time I see you again, I fall to pieces, each time someone speaks your name.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Kate Gowers about 10 years ago

    Especially for Steve, who sings on Tuesdays. Perhaps I'm cruel, or too literal.

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    Ricky Moore about 10 years ago

    Loved it Kate!

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