mattygroves avatar


Carl stood at the shore, bracing himself against the gale. He enjoyed the synchronicity – sipping a pint of Spindrift whilst being soaked by the spindrift. He knew he couldn't dawdle. He set up the lever, ensuring the fulcrum was in place to fling his parcel over the cliff.

Business was booming at his restaurant a few yards inshore. He's the hottest new chef – his kidney stew adored by critics, even those who loathe offal. Only he knew the secret ingredient – adenoids are easy to remove. Who needs to butcher a body when a tiny bit will do?

6 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Kate Gowers over 10 years ago

    And another in the challenge - subject given to me by @audioandvisual - subject, catering. Words, spinthrift, adenoids and fulcrum.

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    Stuart Lugg over 10 years ago

    Remind me not to eat your stew!

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    Kate Gowers over 10 years ago

    You're the one to talk!

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    Melanie Jewell over 10 years ago

    As long as they are not adenoids on steroids!

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    K.Z. Morano over 10 years ago

    delicious. ;)

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    Christopher Angel almost 10 years ago

    Again, I really like your writing. There's a vein of surrealism running through many of your drabbles which appeals to me.

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