mattygroves avatar


The white cane made quiet tapping noises as it worked its way through the woods. Vicky was adept at its use. She moved with a grace that was unexpected.

She was dressed in a white gown, though with far more material than was usual. You’d have expected Vicky to waddle but she didn't. She checked her pouch, ensuring the gold was still there. She smiled and her face lit up, making her briefly beautiful, despite her bulk.

She approached George with a beatific smile. He saw that she looked not at his horn but at his soul. He approached gently.

2 comments add one below

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    Stuart Lugg over 10 years ago

    Deep and intriguing - I look forward to the follow up

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    Melanie Jewell over 10 years ago

    Is this George the unicorn up to some more tricks?

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