mattygroves avatar


George had read the signs; they’re all over Facebook. What a load of bollocks.

He knew what he was supposed to be. All white and pure and beautiful. But the bills had to be paid, food put on the table and the sodding virgins never bring cash. Besides, the look of disappointment followed by disgust gets old really quickly.

George spotted the girl in the white dress and flowing tresses. He shambled away, scratching his balls with a big, hairy hand. The pictures were right about one thing – he did have a horn. Just not where they expected it.

5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Pearl (Bea) over 10 years ago

    A horn where it was needed...LOL!

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    Andrew Lawston over 10 years ago

    I suspect this will be drabble of the week next week!

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    Stuart Lugg over 10 years ago

    Uniquehorns seem to be particularly Drabble friendly! Good story, made me smile!

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    A good one ! LOL

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    Kate Gowers over 10 years ago

    I did have you, @francine, partly in mind as I know you love unicorns. Maybe not this kind though :)

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