mattygroves avatar


“For crying out loud,” thought Trevor, “how stupid does he think I am?” He sighed and fetched a spare cane from under the loose floorboards.

The feud between Trevor and Luigi had been going on some time. Every evening following Circus Donato’s show, Trevor would find that the cane on which he depended to ‘see’ was shorter. Every day, Trevor would pretend to be distressed whilst quietly replacing his stick … and plotting.

Then the flamethrower salesman came to town. Trevor may be blind, he may be a dwarf, but he has excellent hearing. And flamethrowers are easy to aim.

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Kate Gowers over 10 years ago

    Inspired by an utterly ridiculous lateral thinking puzzle.

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    Melanie Jewell over 10 years ago

    Any story with a flamethrower in gets my vote!

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    And mine, it is a great little story !

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    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    Loved this one; brilliant drabble! :-)

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