marvintheowl avatar


The house remains intact. The rest of the city bacame destroyed after the nuclear attack
, but his house remains. There appears no one else in the city. Tired of living alone he decides to end it. In the basement in grabs rope and a chair his son had crafted for him years ago. Feeling downcast for existing as the last man on earth he walks up the steps. He sets up his own hanging. With the noose around his neck he kicks the chair away. His phone then rings. " I'm not alone". But it was too late. End.

2 comments add one below

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    Jamie Clapperton over 4 years ago

    Kicker of an ending! Welcome to Drablr. ;-))

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    Steve Williams about 4 years ago

    Sad ending. You could make your story better if you fix the broken sentence. Also welcome to Drablr

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