m3rcy avatar


I looked to the golden sun, shining through air.

I saw my friends and family, laughing and talking to me. I was happy.

Suddenly a red light started pulsating throughout.

I became panicky. A giant red machine eye lowered before me, asking.

"Twenty credits for another hour of 'Blissful life,"

I gulped, and nodded my head. I could see the transaction of my credits pass through the system, the world beaming back to life.

I blinked my eyes, my mind plugged into this reality... and I loved it.

More than real life... more than my real family...

This... was bliss.

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  • avatar

    shaun over 4 years ago

    A touch of the dystopian is often all it takes to realise things really ARE as bad as you thought. Nicely done, Aishling.

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