m3rcy avatar


Stepping off that plane, returning home after two years.

I expected things to be different. For things to have changed.

Because... I had.

But as I came home, all I could see was the wet weather being wetter, the clouds being denser.

And my family living life... almost lesser.

I arrived home to my parents and we were in tears as we met.

"Welcome home!" My mum cried into my shoulder, "I hope nothing's changed too much for you."

"No," I uttered, feeling a deep hole in my heart. I looked at my childhood house and town, "But I have..."

4 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    This is so true for so many people, particularly young people. I have known many students and friends who have come to the UK from, in particular but not exclusively, Eastern Europe and they are changed irreversibly and cannot contemplate returning ‘home’. A very thoughtful and thought-provoking drabble Aishling. Autobiographical?

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    Aishling almost 5 years ago

    No, just thought it was an interesting narrative.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Yep it was!

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    Aishling almost 5 years ago

    thanks! Glad you liked it.

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