lornagdoon avatar


Past all the women’s business suits with lapel pins. Past all the men’s suits with colored ties. Past all the midriffs with spaghetti straps, tube tops, dockers short and long, faded tee shirts, denim with rips, holes, faded and stonewashed, hot pants, maxi dresses, longing to be noticed. Past the flip flops, water sandals and shoes, high tops, crews and knee highs. Past the junk jewels, nylon dress suits and shirts with loafers, hosiery, pantyhose with panties. Past the shorts, the talls and the fats and the skinnies, bare foots and the shod. The clothed, the naked. Ahead? Clear sailing.

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    Neville Hunt almost 7 years ago

    I really enjoyed it too, Lorna. I never knew lists could be made so dramatic. The tension was building up until finally, what a relief! I'd been there, suffering with you, and was suddenly free! :-)

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