lornagdoon avatar


His window was open. There was a storm coming and a cold, stiff breeze was blowing in. I was chilled, but I didn’t say anything about it. Years ago his father had opened a window and a breeze like this one had been let in. His mother had closed the window without consultation from his father. Then his father had thrown it open again, immediately, all in a huff. His mother closed it in absolute frustration. The situation had gone back and forth for some time. He had witnessed this meaningless, stupid event, and he had taken his father’s side.

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Jim M over 8 years ago

    This is one of the best stories of any length I've read. The focus on the banality belies the depth. Thank you

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    D.M. over 8 years ago

    Great job! I concur with Jim.

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    Iarwain Olofsson over 8 years ago

    There's no way I would disagree with Jim and DogMan.

    No need for further escalation of the story. It's a world of its own and ...
    ... so familiar.

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