lornagdoon avatar


She stood looking at him by the side of the road. He was pale. She knew his eyes were sunken in with fear, but he hadn’t removed his sunglasses. Under the overpass she stood pondering this amazing life that she had, at random, been born into. This random occurrence. She assessed the damage in her mind. “It’s not bad.” At first, she told the stranger that she should call the police. There wasn't any really bad damage. He seemed at her mercy. She said, “You know? It’s alright.” He asked, “Are you sure?”. They shook hands. She let him go.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Chris Walker almost 9 years ago

    Some interesting undercurrents and implications there; nicely subtle...

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    D.M. almost 9 years ago

    Great last line.

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