lornagdoon avatar


“I’m here! I’m here!”, she spoke loudly with flashes and crashes. “Oh I know I frighten some of you, and I am necessary.”. Flash, flash! Crash, crash! “Let’s add more sound!”, she spoke. Boom! Crack! Her clouds loomed heavily as she swept across the night sky painting the ground with wonderful, deep splashes of lovely, warm summer water. She moved overhead, and at a distance her little feet could be heard tapping the ground, stobe lights getting dimmer; the booms and crashes sounding like applause from a second and third encore.....fading now. Somewhere she was giving another grand performance! Bravo!

2 comments add one below

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    Lorna Megenity almost 9 years ago

    Thank you. I so appreciate your kind comments.

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    Neville Hunt almost 9 years ago

    I really like the way you have written this. Full of, dare I say it, atmosphere.

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