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Sam pulled into the driveway with the groceries in his car. He gathered them up and went inside. His wife Helen was cleaning out the refrigerator. She said, “You know what stunk in here? You’ll never guess it! Ha ha!”. Sam said, “I can’t.”, with an air of anticipation. “Um, rotten red cabbage?”, Sam asked. “Nope.” said Sally. “It was that zombie’s finger you kept as a souvenir. I told you to pickle it. I still have that formaldehyde. It’s too late now. I put it down the garbage disposer.”. “Oh foof.” said Sam. “What do you want for lunch?”.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. about 9 years ago

    You had fun with this! (You probably don't need formaldehyde, since 'pickling' alone suggests brine, which would be in line with pickles and lunch.)

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    Lorna Megenity about 9 years ago

    Pickling is a slang term used by science buffs. Thanks.

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