lizmilne avatar


Memories of holidays by the chilly sea: pebble beaches and seagull hordes. Digging in the sand for hours, watching the water recede and return. Constructing sand ramparts and shell buttresses. Imagining that the next spadeful will uncover pirate treasure. Getting hot in the sun, hot enough to think that the water will be warm and welcoming, striding out into the water which is fine on the feet and ankles but strikes cold to the bone as it deepens. Hot chips cradled in cold hands, cocoa sipped with gratitude. A stick of rock nibbled away slowly over the next few days.

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. over 8 years ago

    A welcome read after I came inside from shoveling snow!
    Thank you for the escape, Elizabeth.

  • avatar

    Liz Milne over 8 years ago

    aw, thanks guys! :)

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    Alex Munro over 8 years ago

    Ah...the British seaside experience in a nutshell. Halcyon days.

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    Liz Milne over 8 years ago

    Thanks Alex :)

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