lewis_pierson avatar


I wanna be the drummer in a cock-rock ensemble
Get me rocks off with me poodle permed blonde mates
Laying down the rhythm with me Zildjian sticks
Spandex clad frontmen thrilling the chicks
Though I'm sat at the back an' gettin' overlooked
Come the after party we'll all be getting fucked
"Good evening, Sao Paulo, we're Blonde Ambition!"
Here comes the key change, rampin' up the ignition
Pouting perfumed powder poses, preening prima donnas
Drink and drugs excess, some'll soon be goners
Livin' fast, dyin' young, heroin chic
Some may think it tragic but it's the thrill I seek.

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    Neville Hunt 3 months ago

    I guess the geezers on the skins always get overlooked!🥴

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