lewis_pierson avatar


“‘Ow do, Cappers? Dat Franz uz fre’rdly. All da femmes wear fishnetz. Wen da Iraki geezers dropped uz at Le Havre A met dis fella wi’ a stripey jumpa. E gi mi one o’ iz oignons and a seater to Rouen. Uz itched a lift on a cart full o’ ay all da way to Paruz. Itz like London by da Sen wi a big Blackpool tower in da middle. One o’ dem ladeez o’ t’ night took arf mi tukkas again but I managed to get mi’ ed down in ‘er boodwah fer an hour or two. Si thee.”

6 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt 4 months ago

    Wiv aht nowin' ah much arf ya tukkas woz I carnt werkaht wevva s'gud valyew per hour. But hinterpretatin' wot yew ment by gettin' yer ed dahn mite maykit easya ta assa tayn.. Did yew get to the Moolan Rewj? Parently the sayls droppd orf the winmil lars week... an tha's trew!!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt 4 months ago

    ..an yew get a rownd don yew... unloik that winmil no mor!

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    Neville Hunt 4 months ago

    ( I like Barrabuz)

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    Sir Robin Kingfisher 4 months ago

    Cheers, Neville. As long as dey only tek arf iz tukkas he shud allays have summat left.

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    Neville Hunt 4 months ago

    Yup... maffmertiks tel uz thas royt.

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    Christopher 4 months ago

    Oignons was the only word I couldn't decipher in this one.

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