lesleyanne avatar


She didn’t want to remember, it was a long time ago and a different life. But suddenly, without warning she is whisked back to a moment in time. It’s a faded memory, but still it haunts her. How did it push itself back into her mind? She had buried it for so long. Triggered by a sound or an image perhaps? She pushes it away quickly. She looks around did anyone notice her shudder? It was only a split second. She steadies herself. No one noticed. That life is in the past she reminds herself and there it must stay.

8 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 5 years ago

    Very nice, LesleyAnne. I think we've all had a memory we wanted kept buried resurrect itself when we least expected it.

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    Neville Hunt over 5 years ago

    I like it LesleyAnne, but I must admit to being more than a little curious about that memory!

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    LesleyAnne over 5 years ago

    Well that would be spoiling the story Mr Hunt.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 5 years ago

    Indeed it would!

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    LesleyAnne over 5 years ago

    Thank you Christopher

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    Peter Henderson over 5 years ago

    I liked the story too. Life is never simple.

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    Ginette Kiff over 5 years ago

    Oh yes - I’ve got a couple of those, LesleyAnne. You’ve caught that ‘catching you unawares’ moment brilliantly.

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    LesleyAnne over 5 years ago

    Thanx everyone for your comments.

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