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“There is much to be learned from the female wasp… Great lessons on power.” Harere told her young niece at bedtime. “She who eats her rivals’ eggs while ensuring that her own survives becomes queen.”

Irisi’s eyes widened. “Are you queen?”

“Not yet,” Harere smiled. ”Your mother is. Because she has you… the king’s heir.”

“But I might have a brother soon.”, Irisi looked at Harere’s pregnant belly.

Harere nodded, her fingers caressing the dagger concealed underneath her kalasiris.



“Another lesson from wasps…” Irisi whispered, as her blade cut deep into Harere’s womb, “Never underestimate the little ones.”

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Chris Walker over 10 years ago

    ...And never underestimate the advantage of a pre-emptive strike :-) Good drabble.

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    Bryan Thomas over 10 years ago

    Super. I never trust insects with knives. ;o)

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