kzmorano avatar


Spring finally came…

I toiled in acres of buried bodies and the breeze babbled with our parents’ timorous voices.

Like everyone else, I murdered mine.

Mother’s eyes reflected the hunger that I felt…

So I shattered the mirror that was her face.

Her screams were like breaking glass– fragmented, crystalline.

The village was cursed with cold barrenness but because of our sacrifices, the earth became fertile once again.

It bore new a new kind of fruit.

The fleshy pink contours inside the crustaceous covering resembled our elders’ faces.

We ate… but the fruit left a bitter taste in our mouths…

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Chris Walker over 10 years ago

    I like this one - sounds like there's a bigger story waiting to be told :-)

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    K.Z. Morano over 10 years ago

    thanks :)

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