kinigogo80 avatar


The pigeon, the Tom cat, the hedgehog and the snail resided at 10 Temple Meadows. The pigeon flew in. The hedgehog crept in. The snail slid in and the cat flapped.

The pigeon lived on the fence. The hedgehog’s home was near the compost bin. The snail enjoyed the water butt. The cat popped in and out.

Yesterday they were all gathered in the garden. The pigeon sat on the fence. The hedgehog poked its nose out. The snail felt confident and the cat wandered about.

All at peace. Ready to be friends together to have endless fun and adventure.

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 1 month ago

    And then there’s the real world...

  • avatar

    Christopher about 1 month ago

    Lovely story, Brian.

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    Frenchie about 1 month ago

    I love this ... ❤️ so fresh.
    I'd rather be a guest in your garden nowadays than looking at the real world.

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    Jamie Clapperton 9 days ago

    Lovely picture.

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