kinigogo80 avatar


When John was a student he was dubbed Rip Van Winkle for his tendency to fall asleep. On Wednesdays when the others were playing sports or chatting up the counter girls in Woolworths he valued the comfort of the extended forty winks.
When he settled down he thought the responsible thing to do would be to have some life insurance and invited an agent round for a chat one evening. The guy was super alert but admitted he’d been asleep all afternoon.
When John reached the age of retirement he rekindled his love of relaxation by taking a regular nap.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    It was clearly what gave John his buzZzzzzzzzz.

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    Frenchie about 1 month ago

    hahahaha... I must be John's long lost twin, lol.

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