kinigogo80 avatar


I’ve got Doris. I think I have to share her but once a month she’s mine.

Last year I went online searching for help leaving four messages with an agency. One man replied and said he could not meet my needs but Doris phoned and said that although she’s busy she would help. She came on time and worked very hard. I managed to persuade to come again.

The difference she has made to my well being is incredible. Doris has brought my garden to life creating room for the plants to breathe and blossom. I think she has plans.

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    Sounds like everyone with a garden in need has a need for a Doris.

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    Christopher about 2 months ago

    I was heading down the wrong path when I started reading this! I'm glad the path ultimately led to a beautiful garden!

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