kinigogo80 avatar


Percy wanted to do his ‘bit’ for the war effort as he was medically unfit for armed service but was ready to help on the home front. He was part of the team supporting the armaments factory when the German bombers used it as target practice. They left a trail of destruction and death with survivors clinging on.

After the All Clear was sounded Percy and his team moved in but, as they were helping the casualties, a bomber returned creating more panic and havoc. They heroically carried on tending the wounded trying to save lives avoiding the exploding wreckage.

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 1 year ago

    Real heroes. Unfortunately, there aren't many people these days with that kind of grit and determination.

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    Neville Hunt about 1 year ago

    Yes, those were indeed real heroes. It’s very difficult to imagine if you weren’t there.

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