kateziervogel avatar


With a deft and expert thumb he flipped the lid off the top with a plopping sound. It came to rest upside down, against the hairy neck of its owner.

Now exposed to the elements, the gelatinous pudding became time-sensitive.
Scooping with one hand, Raymond rested the other hand lovingly on the shoulder, now slightly damp. He didn’t seem to notice and continued to scoop and slosh the soft contents into a beautifully etched glass dessert bowl decorated with fine flowers and delicate Victorian vine patterns.

“Some might say this is more than you deserve you know.” He thought.

2 comments add one below

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    Kate almost 10 years ago

    Lol Dr Abbler! Nom

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    Jim M almost 10 years ago

    finely crafted and intriguing, really enjoyed this

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