justaphanwang avatar


1st Floor.
"Room of Arts"
I start to paint a tree. Beside me, a girl paints a forest. I drop my brush and walk out. No.

2nd Floor.
"Room of Music"
I tap a few keys on the piano. Beside me, a woman tells me, "Not like that" and plays a piece. I stand up and walk out. No.

3rd Floor.
"Room of Literature"
I write a story and pass it to the editor. Rejected. I walk out. No.

Last floor.
"Zero Creativity"
Just the horizon and the cool breeze.
"I'm good at failing, maybe I'm good at falling."

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Alex about 9 years ago

    I told you. You're so full of shit. This is SUPER good. Creative and all that. Keep writing Elley. Grace me with your talent.

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    Ellizabette Schmidt about 9 years ago

    I need these kind of stuff in my life. Keep writing, Elley. ;)

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