jroyan avatar


A day off school and the sun is shining. The smell of auntie Sue's cooking filling the house, along with all these people. Her savoury breaded chicken is going down well. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is being so nice to me today. All smiles and hugs. Most of these people I hardly know, family yes, but really; who are they to me? I smile back of course, even though it's the last thing I want to do. Shout, scream, cry yes, but smiling isn't top of the list. I bite down my rage. Be polite my mum always says...said.

3 comments add one below

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    Jonathan Royan over 7 years ago

    Thanks drew. :-)

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    shaun over 7 years ago

    Brilliant. It isn't until the final word that the full picture is established. Masterful.

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    Jonathan Royan over 7 years ago

    Thanks Shaun. I always attempt a twist or a reveal in my dribbles if I can.

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