jroyan avatar


He stared at her with a boiling rage that rapidly bubbled to the surface. Face red with murderous intent, he grabbed for the first thing that came to hand. Lofting the hammer high above his head, he screamed, charging towards the women, her back towards him. There was no time for her to react to his attack. With all his strength and blind anger, the hammer came down!

Squeak! The hammer hit. Plum centre of her back, between the shoulder blades. She turned, holding a hand up to the receiver, then looking down. "Please Terrance! Behave. Mummy's on the phone."

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. over 9 years ago

    I, too, have been hit with a hammer like this!
    (edit "women")

  • avatar

    Jonathan Royan over 9 years ago

    Ha ha. Me too. By my daughter! :-)

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