jroyan avatar


Sat on the bench, Clara watched David talking to his friend by the water fountain.

She couldn't remember being so in love and happy before. He's undoubtedly the one! Clara thought how her mother was going to love him too, when they finally met for lunch at Franco’s.

Realising the time she waved to get his attention. He glanced over sheepishly but continued talking, his back to her now. Clara smiled rising from the bench. "He's a right chatterbox" she sighed.

Walking over Clara could hear the conversation over the fountain’s splashes. "Yes officer, she's been following me all day!"

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Jonathan Royan almost 10 years ago

    The police never believe me when I say I'm being follows by hot ladies. :-)

  • avatar

    Jonathan Royan almost 10 years ago

    Hot demons, they're alway hot! :-)

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    Jacek Wilkos over 8 years ago

    Didn't see it coming. Nice.

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