jroyan avatar


Quietly it entered through the cat flap. In the dark it sloped to the kitchen, chuckling to itself. Head swivelling side to side it opened the drawer and poked around inside. Its face split with a smile, it found its quarry. Hand snapped back into a pouch hanging from its belt. "Time to leave," it hissed. Through the cat flap to the garden. "Back again tomorrow," it said to the garden gnome.

Gregory was up first. Leaning against the counter, kettle boiling. He then opened the cutlery drawer and scratched around inside. "Where the fuck are these tea spoons going?"

2 comments add one below

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    Rodindeadpan almost 10 years ago

    And now I know....Thank you Jonathan

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    Jonathan Royan almost 10 years ago

    This idea, unsurprisingly, came from the fact I only have two tea spoons left in the house. Thanks for your comments. :-)

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