jim_m848 avatar


"I lied to you before, when you asked me what I dream about.

I dream of intimacy, of false intimacy.

Within the wheezing lights, I am dancing with her always, breathless in the liquid night. We're dancing in the closed street to music that only we can hear.

The rest of her is only a vehicle for her hips and they drive me to passion I didn't know was in me. As the rain starts to soothe us I lean towards her, I slip my fingers behind her shoulders and i draw her to me.

She sneers, shrugs away, disappointed"

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    'only a vehicle for her hips' - love it! Very atmospheric Drabble, Jim.

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    D.M. about 8 years ago

    strong first line!

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    Jim M about 8 years ago

    Thank you, as always, for taking the time to read and comment. It really does mean a lot to me that you do

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