jasonmott avatar


"There's nothing in the dark" my exhausted parents told me. "Act like a big boy for once."

Putting me back in bed, they made me turn off the light.

Trembling, I pulled the covers over my head as familiar scratching and rustling resumed in the black void around me.

Beyond my hastily-built fabric shelter, I heard raspy breathing and felt weight pressing down on my bed; instinctively, I assumed the fetal position.

Something tugged on the blankets, probing, then it pulled much harder; I clung desperately until morning's light shone through my window, forcing it to flee until nightfall.

3 comments add one below

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    Jason Mott almost 5 years ago

    Thank you. Sometimes, I really wish we had a higher word allowance... Sometimes...

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    Jamie Clapperton almost 5 years ago

    This is the second time this evening I have expected a cat to be involved and they weren't. So I probably won't sleep tonight, (Winks.)

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    shaun over 4 years ago

    Love the way the threat lasted all night. Exhausting. Well done, Jason.

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