jasonmott avatar


I stood, silently examining the features of your face, trying to etch them into my memory as you lay in the basement of the funeral home. Knowing I wasn't going to see you again, I didn't want them to fade.
We weren't always on the same side of an argument, and this time, I knew I'd lost; you were going to get the last word on this one.
Loving you wasn't always easy. It often seemed that you'd prefer I didn't, though I knew in my heart that it only seemed that way.
I'll miss getting upset at you, Dad.

2 comments add one below

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    Jason Mott almost 6 years ago

    Thank you, Drew. We lost my father unexpectedly on the 17th, and though our relationship was a complicated one, I just wanted to try to put into words some of my many feelings about him.

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    shaun over 4 years ago

    Isn't it a sadness that situations such as this are all too common. Very moving.

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