jasonmott avatar


She paced about the house, waiting for Bill to get home.
It wasn't like she couldn't entertain herself; she hated being alone, and she was hungry.
He'd always made dinner, and she knew nothing of cooking.
Sleeping passed some time, but definitely not enough.
She'd begun to think he might not come home, when she heard the car pull up.
She bolted to the door to greet him.
When Bill opened the door, she ran to him; rubbing against him luxuriously.
Bill, grateful for some affection after a long day's work, was reminded of exactly why he's a "cat person".

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    tynkertoye about 10 years ago

    Very cute use of the twist there at the end. :)

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    Bryan Thomas about 10 years ago

    Haha! Great stuff!

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    Brenda Gornick about 10 years ago

    Heehee they only love ya for the can-opener. Nice one!

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