jasonmott avatar


Gabe poked his large head out of the shower.
"Help me!"
Exasperated, he got out of the shower and stomped into the kitchen.
Pausing at the table, where his cereal was waiting, he listened again.
Pouring milk into the bowl, he prepared to eat.
Disgusted, he got up to follow the voice.
The cries came from the basement.
She was chained at the back wall, scared, pallid and frail.
"Please mister, let me go! I won't tell!"
He snapped her neck and headed back to the kitchen.
Gabe was smiling as he chewed. "It's still crunchy!" he said.

2 comments add one below

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    Ricky Moore almost 11 years ago

    Favourite short from my favourite author on here, loving the dark stories you are producing.

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    Jason Mott almost 11 years ago

    Thank you! I'm glad that you've enjoyed them!

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