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In the foggy darkness, I could barely make out the houses bordering the road let alone a man dressed in black. If I’d stuck to the lighted road, I’d have missed him. As it was, I turned down the unmade road, my map-reading skills deserting me.

I didn’t see him in the gloom until he was almost upon me. I swerved to avoid crashing into him, then came up fast behind him. He startled, but I held my nerve, instinct taking over as I slid the blade into my quarry.

I had fulfilled my contract, made my first kill.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Ooh! That took me by surprise. I thought the storyteller would be the victim. Great stuff Julie.

  • avatar

    Julie over 6 years ago

    Thank you both!

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