inkspots avatar


That summer we lived in the woods. Ma thought she was Maid Marian, you see, and pa was Robin Hood and we were living in the Greenwood.

When we found ma’s lifeless body, pa told us to cover her in moss and ivy so she could live on as part of the Greenwood she so loved. She would take root and grow, watching over us as we played. He told us to water her in and then he went off to catch a rabbit for our tea.

He came back later, his hunting knife dripping with blood but no rabbit.

7 comments add one below

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    Julie almost 8 years ago

    Thanks, Drew. The reader is meant to infer that ma was killed and that pa went off to find the person that killed her and killed them in turn. I may have been a little too cryptic with this one. It's easy to understand the meaning of a drabble when you're the one writing it!

    (Been away for much of the summer, hence the lack of posting/commenting)

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    I think it's really atmospheric. I'm there in the wood, but initially I had thought, wrongly, that Pa might be Ma's killer. Terrific return, Julie.

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    D.M. almost 8 years ago

    I imagined a revenge motif as well. The father sounds so practical, matter of fact,
    take matters in his own hands, Robin Hood kind of guy. Good drabble!

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    Julie almost 8 years ago

    Thanks Neville. It's good to be back. The Muse is being a little slow after a summer off, but doubtless she'll grant me some more words very soon.

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    Julie almost 8 years ago

    Thank you D.M.

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 8 years ago

    I'm a little slow at times, but this time I GOT IT!

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    Julie almost 8 years ago

    Excellent Michael! Thanks for reading.

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