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“When will the end of the world happen?”

My granddaddy consulted his big old pocket-watch.

“Not before tea time, I don’t think.” He smiled down at me. “Don’t you go listening to Mrs Higgins. The world ain’t gonna end for a long time.”

It did, though. For me, at least.

I was going to bury the watch with him, but changed my mind and dug it out the sandy soil. It was still working, unlike my granddaddy’s heart.

Now it lives in my pocket, every tick and tock reminding me that the world goes on ticking and love endures.

4 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    This is lovely, Julie. So full of understated emotion.

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    Julie about 8 years ago

    Thanks for reading and for your kind comments, Aspen, Neville and Drew.

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    George Stephens almost 8 years ago

    In truth, the world ends everyday, though it is being reborn again at the same time. Great story!

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    Julie almost 8 years ago

    Thanks for reading, George.

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