inkspots avatar


Wear them, they told her. Company policy.

Company cruelty more like, she thought.

She fidgeted, rubbed her aching calves, wished she could sit, if only for a moment. Despite the agony, she still smiled brightly at customers and dealt with their needs as her blistered heels and throbbing toes screamed for relief.

She watched a male colleague walk by in his comfortable flat shoes and wished, just for a moment, that she could change places with him. Let him be the one to suffer because of ‘company policy’. After all, ties may be uncomfortable, but they certainly don’t draw blood.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. about 8 years ago

    'saw this in the paper with specific heel heights given! well done

  • avatar

    Julie about 8 years ago


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