inkspots avatar


All I had to do was press three buttons, in the same order.

One day, tearing my hair out with the tedium, I decided to press them out of order. The machine continued to whirr and click as usual.

“Does it go wrong if you press them out of order?” I asked a colleague, feigning disinterest.

“No. But the boss thinks people prefer to stay in their comfort zone.”

I won’t tell you what I did with the ripped off buttons, but the boss certainly wasn’t in his comfort zone after it. I was also out of a job. Hurrah!

2 comments add one below

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    D.M. over 8 years ago

    'Love the question with feigned disinterest after the fact! fun

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    Julie over 8 years ago

    Thanks, D.M. (I've had a few boring jobs in my time, but never one quite as boring as this one!)

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