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We’d been arguing about it for days. A coin toss had settled the matter.

Now, here we are, in the hospital.

Natural birth, we’d decided: gas and air, but nothing else unless necessary.

After nearly 36 hours in labour, I was beginning to think it necessary.

“You’re so close now,” the midwife said. “Just a couple more pushes.”

Glaring daggers at her and me, in between the breath-stealing contractions, my husband continued to push while I looked on, grinning.

I’d told him it had hurt with our first, back in 2024, but he didn’t believe me.

He does now.

5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Chris Walker almost 9 years ago

    Good twist. Men everywhere can only hope that this future doesn't come to pass...! ;-)

  • avatar

    D.M. almost 9 years ago

    Interesting reversal!

  • avatar

    Julie almost 9 years ago

    Thanks for the comments, folks!

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    Melanie almost 9 years ago

    I labored for 36 hours with my first and 24 with my second. I would have loved for their father to have endured some of that.

  • avatar

    Julie almost 9 years ago

    37 hours with my first, rather less with my second but no less painful. I'm with you there, Melanie! Thanks for reading.

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