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He’d pick at the skin edging his fingernails while reading, chew his fingernails when concentrating on Sudoku. When he thought I wasn’t looking, he’d pick his nose. His annoying habits drove me mad.

I imagined my defence in court: skin, fingernails, green flecks on the sofa. Surely a case for divorce, your honour?

I’d give anything to hear him picking his skin now that he’s dead and I’m all alone. Now, I am the one worrying the skin around my fingernails, twiddling my hair until it comes away at the roots.

I miss him. I loved him, warts and all.

6 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. about 9 years ago

    Yes, so many of those annoyances! 'Like leaving the cap off the toothpaste tube,
    leaving the milk out, leaving the lights on.... leaving....

  • avatar

    Julie about 9 years ago

    Thank you, both!
    And yes, Drew, impactful is a word - I checked!
    Your comment is a touching little fic in itself, D.M.

  • avatar

    T. Willemann about 9 years ago

    _Love is blindness_, as Bono once said, and that goes a long way. But as Ratt so eloquently put it _enough is enough_.

  • avatar

    T. Willemann about 9 years ago

    Messed up the formatting there – sorry.
    Good drabble.

  • avatar

    Julie about 9 years ago

    Thanks, Thomas!

  • avatar

    Julie almost 9 years ago

    Aww... thanks, Michelle.

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