iarwain avatar


"Surprise", Chad chanted, soldering together the last few parts.
When he had stowed away his opus, a rather malicious grin crept into his face.
He would not be fooled again. Never again!

Chad was sleeping in his comfy chair, when the phone rang.

She was everything he'd ever desired.

"I am sorry, darling, but I won't make it tonight."
"No problem, sweetie. See you tomorrow, then."

The display came to life. Chad held his breath, seeing a person enter Ethel's room.
Thank God, just his sister Jasmin!

He dozed off again.

The two women undressed
each other,
kissing ardently.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Iarwain Olofsson over 8 years ago

    Nope. The narrator is the beholder of the scene. It's what you see. - on screen...
    Chad has installed a spy-cam in Ethel's room.
    He sees his sister enter, calms down and dozes off.
    ... while on the screen one (the beholder) can see, what's really going on.

  • avatar

    Iarwain Olofsson over 8 years ago

    Happened to a friend of mine. His wife suddenly changed orientation and is now living with his (half-) sister.

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