horrorshow avatar


The naked man digs deep holes in his garden and takes the earth into his house upstairs to his bedroom bulging buckets of soil poured onto his cot laid out evenly with great care and consideration.

Dirt gets under his nails. Dirt gets under the naked man’s tongue.

The naked man sinks into the muck marinates for a time masturbates his final signature in thick droplets before returning outside to the holes in his garden locating a suitable depression to sit in and wait for death.

The dirt is under his dirty nails. The dirt is under his dirty tongue.

11 comments add one below

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    Michael D. Brooks over 8 years ago

    It amazes me how well you draw clear pictures without colorful exposition. You allow your reader to fill in the blanks. No need to describe a garden, soil, dirt, or muck. The imagery is automatic.

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    Horrorshow over 8 years ago

    Michael - thank you so much for your comments and insights. For me, a writer, particularly one as limited as myself, *has* to let his readers do the work.

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    Horrorshow over 8 years ago

    LMC - you and a first class pervert #takesonetoknowone :-)

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    Alex Munro over 8 years ago

    Your storytelling is always unique, visual and strangely off-kilter. I do enjoy it so.

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    Frenchie over 8 years ago

    Twisted and I love it !!!!!!

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    Horrorshow over 8 years ago

    Thank you very much for your kind comments, Alex and Frenchie.


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    Horrorshow over 8 years ago

    I wish I could collect your sticky little tear drops, sweet Doktor. And use them for lubrication.

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    Elizabeth O. Smith about 8 years ago

    Well that was certainly different! A good, vivid read though :)

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    P.M almost 8 years ago

    Sick, twisted, utterly dysfunctional but a great read nonetheless

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    CJay over 7 years ago

    Always good to see the darker side of sites like this! Keep it up! ;)

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    op ruoho over 7 years ago

    I read an article about a librarian and thought of you just now. I wanted to share the article with you but I cannot find you on Goodreads and my comment is invalid with the link for some reason. (Maybe check out Robert Wagamese and you'll figure out what I'm talking about, I don't know.)

    I hope you are well and in decent spirits, my friend. Don't be a stranger, if you can help it.

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