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I met Jordan at a cremation I’d gate crashed. Looking into his soft, gentle eyes, I saw immediately that Jordan knew his way around a vagina. It’d been ages since my incorporeal brother Kenneth had allowed me a boyfriend.

Jordan fucked me on his parent’s couch while I licked his framed high school graduation picture. His fawning friend Jacob looked on with keen interest, eager to join the festivities.

My fun didn’t last long.

A jealous Kenneth materialized from freaking astral space, manifest as the Hindu Lord of Death, Yama.

I felt sorry for the cops who’d find this mess.

8 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Jim M almost 10 years ago

    A real treat, my favourite of your recent publishings (they are all good of course)

    Energetic, fun, culturally mangled;the end made me genuinely LOL and I never LOL

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Absolutely delighted to coax a little chuckle out of you, Jim! Thanks for reading and commenting. :-D

  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    You're too kind, Drew! Thank you for the lovely words! :-)

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    Rodindeadpan almost 10 years ago

    I feel like I should be paying you for the opportunity to read your drabbles.

  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    I feel like I should be paying you for such kind feedback! Thank you :-)

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    Suriya almost 10 years ago

    amazing drabble... that one line made it so funny... i did not expect that ending...

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Thank you, Suriya! So pleased that you enjoyed the drabble! :-D

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Thank you to all who read and voted for, "Kenneth" to make it Drabble of the Week #42!

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