horrorshow avatar


Croatian girl. With one eye. And born a virtual spastic. Wears a dunce cap of sorts. And has been touched. Inappropriately. By both angels who live in the sky. And the accordion player’s grubby uncle. Her unremembered birthdays. Had candles. That never got lit.

She grew up. Slowly. An acutely diffident woman. With a broad aggregate of scars. Crippled by palsy. And bereft of the rudimentary social skills. That one requires.

The dirty war came. And Serbian soldiers hurt her. Beat her. Maimed her. Hung her from the rafters of a shit filled cow shed. And she was forever grateful.

5 comments add one below

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    My fiftieth drabble! Huzzah. :-)

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    I'm massively flattered by your generous comments, Drew. Thank you as always for following my writing and always being kind enough to provide feedback. I'm so pleased that this drabble hit hard for you. I'm not entirely sure where it came from within me.

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 10 years ago

    The last sentence is the most powerful statement.

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Thank you for reading and commenting, Michael; much obliged.

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    The clipped sentences work so well. Such sadness...

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