horrorshow avatar


I’ve never possessed the ability to discern differences between the living and my dollies. I knew that the ones who moved and screamed were probably breathing specimens but that wasn’t a hard rule. More a guideline.

My old collection was gone. Abolished by the artless in a greedy furnace. My darling dollies. They worshipped me; their loving, well endowed Daddy.

My new collection will have teeth smashed from maiden’s faces and I’ll invite [abduct] the descendants of those who destroyed my first collection to a special tea party where my dollies will drink their vulgar vitae from mouldy plastic cups.

10 comments add one below

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    Rodindeadpan almost 10 years ago

    Disturbing....just the way I like it.

  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Thank you for taking the time to read, vote and comment, Rodindeadpan. :-)

  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Thanks, Chloe.

  • avatar

    Josh Peters almost 10 years ago

    "...their loving, well endowed daddy."


  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Cheers, Josh. Always a pleasure to get your feedback, sir. :-)

  • avatar

    Rodindeadpan almost 10 years ago

    Chloe is gone! Tragic....

  • avatar

    Richard Charles Davidson almost 10 years ago

    How is Chloe gone?

  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Hmmm. Getting a ominous sense of déjà vu here. I went through this a couple of months ago on another site that I post drabbles on. A girl calling herself “Nina” criticised my writing as being too bland, too banal, too ordinary. When I told her that I was sorry that she didn’t like my writing, she deleted her account.


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    Rodindeadpan almost 10 years ago

    The Doll Collector got them!

  • avatar

    Rodindeadpan almost 10 years ago

    The Doll Collector got Nina and Chloe I mean to say. Hated to see Chloe leave. She was a brilliant writer.

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