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Anderson hurtled down the corridor on a stretcher. The attendants pushing him wore beak-like plague doctor masks. The stretcher ploughed through waves of child manikins with melted plastic faces. The manikins wailed artificially, smashing hard against corridor walls. Their screams reminded Anderson of real children. He reminisced before the stretcher crashed at the end of the corridor. The attendants helped Anderson up. He tried to thank them but his tongue betrayed him. Anderson admitted his vile crimes. He turned to see the manikins collecting their limbs and appendages, limping or crawling towards him. Their screams had turned to laughter.

16 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    Great to get your feedback, Drew. Thanks for the encouragement! :-)

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    Chris Walker about 10 years ago

    Love it! :-)

  • avatar

    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    Thanks, Chris! Glad you enjoyed it! :-)

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    op ruoho about 10 years ago

    How I like my creepy to be. =)

  • avatar

    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    Thank you for reading and commenting, OPR! :-)

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    Brandon Sutton about 10 years ago

    I could feel a distinct chill in the air while I read this one! Very good story!

  • avatar

    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    I appreciate the generous praise, Brandon! :-)

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    Kathy about 10 years ago

    I like the line "his tongue betrayed him." Right in my ally of things that do betray some. Like a plague. Excellent write!

  • avatar

    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    Thanks for the positive feedback, Kathy! :-)

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    Bryan Thomas almost 10 years ago

    I can only echo the previous comments! Great stuff!

  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    That's very kind of you, Bryan; thank you! :-)

  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Thank you to all who read and voted for, "Melted Plastic Faces" to make it Drabble of the Week #30.

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    K.Z. Morano almost 10 years ago

    haunting. gorgeous. loved it.

  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Thank you so much, K.Z. :-)

  • avatar

    Beau Johnson almost 10 years ago

    Horrible image. beautiful writing

  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Thanks, Beau! Much obliged. :-)

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