grb19meb avatar


A man dressed in dark clothing was seen acting suspiciously photographing village homes at 5-15 last night. Police have been informed and the event recorded on CCTV.

On Tuesday 22nd December, Hotwire recorded a confession from Steve who thought he was the person described. He had set out at sundown walking up to Riber Castle but close to his home, between buildings, low to the southwest, he saw it.

The Heavenly Body.

The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter appearing as one bright star last seen 800 years ago.
The original Star of Bethlehem!

Steve wished everyone a peaceful Christmas

5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 3 years ago

    That’s lovely, Marion. I didn’t so much as miss it but it was mist, or rather cloud cover that prevented me from seeing it. A couple of villages away there’s a pub called The Bright Star. Maybe I could see it from there, but here in Tier 4 I wouldn’t be welcome 🙁. Lovely drabble, thanks.

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    Neville Hunt over 3 years ago

    ...and Smedley’s Folly looks rather fine too. A good location for stargazing.

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    Marion E Ball over 3 years ago

    Just at the top of my lane and a bit of a mystery. Over the last twenty years it has been bought and sold several times and work done to make luxury apartments but no movement at the moment. It is a fearsome place in winter. Only one lane up and down and 1/12 steepness.

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    Neville Hunt over 3 years ago

    Hear, hear... here, here Drew!

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    Jamie Clapperton over 3 years ago

    Glad he saw it. :-)

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