ginkiff avatar


The letter lies patiently on the mat. The milky sun warms it as it glints diamond patterns through the porch door. An unexpected draught blows and the letter rises and falls until it is picked up by a middle-aged woman wearing a faded pink dressing gown, humming the tune of a sad song. As the woman reads, she staggers backwards as though the words have jumped from the page and slapped her across the face.

The letter, its secrets bound up in the fading ink on the yellowing paper, now lies silently under the floorboards of the woman’s house.

7 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    This is a great debut, Ginette. Love the anthropomorphic first brief sentence and the glinting diamond patterns. It’s very visual; I imagine I’m right there, fly on wall. Love the face slapping too and the fact that the reader is forced to think on. A very well constructed drabble. Welcome to Drablr.

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    Ginette Kiff almost 6 years ago

    Thanks for the feedback, Neville. I'm enjoying this new experience. I've got a feeling I might be having a few later nights than usual!

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    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    I fear it is rather addictive and it gets a lot easier after you’ve done a few... then you start mainlining! :-)

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    Ginette Kiff almost 6 years ago

    Thank you, Drew, and good to meet the Drablrmeister!

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    Ginette Kiff almost 6 years ago

    Thanks so much. I haven't been writing anything recently and this is all giving me a massive kick up the backside. I really appreciate the encouragement.

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    Christopher over 5 years ago

    Beautiful. The atmosphere of this drabble is amazing.

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    LesleyAnne over 5 years ago

    Loved it. I saw her too in the hallway. Lovely description.x

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