frenchie avatar

The Monster Behind The Door #4


Not even as a child. We fought and I cried. He apologised, saying he loved me so much, he got jealous.
He tenderly touched where his hand had left a mark and dried my tears.
The next day, he brought me flowers and an expensive gold chain. He sobbed, begged for my forgiveness. He said he didn't know what came over him. He'd never wanted to hurt me but it was also my fault, I'd provoked him when I danced closely with his friend.
I fell for it...I apologised.
And this was the first step to my descend into Hell.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 2 years ago

    Oh dear. What a manipulative creep!

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    Frenchie over 2 years ago

    Abusers are...

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